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All abstracts by Francesca Forni in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Improved Volatile Quantification in Unexposed Quartz-Hosted Melt Inclusions by FTIR Spectroscopy and an Application to the Toba Caldera Complex, Sumatra (Indonesia)
Lee DWJ, Hsu Y-J, Forni F, Bouvet de Maisonneuve C, Phua M, Rifai H & Redfern S

(2020) Can LA-ICP-MS 238U-230Th Zircon Dates Constrain Eruption Ages?
Oalmann J, Forni F, Guillong M & Bouvet de Maisonneuve C

(2019) Ba and Eu in the Late-Erupted Parts of Zoned Felsic Tuffs Provide a Smoking gun for Cumulate Melting
Wolff J, Forni F & Ellis B

(2019) Progressively Shorter Magma Storage and Rapid Remobilization Prior to Voluminous Eruptions of Vesuvius
Wotzlaw J-F, Bastian L, Guillong M, Forni F, Laurent O, Sulpizio R & Bachmann O

(2016) Long-Term Magmatic Evolution at the Campi Flegrei Caldera (Southern Italy)
Forni F, Bachmann O, Mollo S & De Astis G

(2015) Erupted Cumulate Fragments in Rhyolites from Lipari (Aeolian Islands)
Forni F, Ellis BS, Bachmann O, Lucchi F & Tranne CA

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