All abstracts by William Defliese in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) The Impact of Snowball Earth Glaciation on Ocean Water δ18O ValuesDefliese W
(2017) Constraints on Paleoenvironments and Surface Temperatures in the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic and Implications for Metazoan Evolution
Defliese W, Dixit Y, Retallack G, Lalonde S & Tripati A
(2015) Advances in ‘Clumped Isotope’ Measurement Techniques Using the Nu Perspective IS and Nu Carb Carbonate Preparation Unit
Rablen S, Affek H, Tripati A, Defliese W & Freedman P
(2015) Investigating the Origin of Discrepancies in Clumped Isotope Calibrations
Defliese W, Eagle R, Tang J, Chang F & Tripati A