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All abstracts by Jakub Ciazela in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Feasibility Study for Using a Far-Ir Spectrometer to Detect Ore Deposits on the Moon
Ciazela J, Bakala J & Kowalinski M

(2022) Magma Differentiation-Induced Zinc Isotopic Variation: Insights from Gabbro Cumulates in Ultra-Slow Spreading Ridge
Wang X, Wang Z, Ciążela J, Li W & Li M

(2022) Sulfide-Rich Crust-Mantle Transition Zone of Balmuccia Orogenic Massif: New Insights from Fe-S Isotope System in Sulfides
Pieterek B, Ciążela J, Tribuzio R, Matusiak-Małek M, Strauss H, Lazarov M, Weyer S, Horn I, Kuhn T & Nowak I

(2022) Sulfide Ore Deposits Remote Detection in the Rio Tinto Area, Terrestrial Analog of Mars
Ciazela M, Ciążela J, Marciniak D & Pieterek B

(2022) Migration of Chalcophile Elements in the Oceanic Lithosphere and Implications for Future SMS Prospecting along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR, 26-33°N)
Ciążela J, Tomczak M, Marciniak D, Pieterek B & Kozlowska-Roman A

(2022) Metal Migration Through an Oceanic Crust-Mantle Transition Zone (ICDP OmanDP Holes CM1A and CM2B)
Marciniak D, Ciążela J, Jesus AP, Koepke J, Pieterek B, Strauss H, Lazarov M, Horn I, Kuhn T, Czupyt Z, Panczyk M, Slaby E & Prell M

(2022) Ore Minerals in Martian Meteorites: MIL 03346, NWA 5219, and NWA 13367
Fitt M, Ciazela J, Marciniak D, Paquet M, Ciazela M, Latacz L, Laban M, Blutstein K, Marciniak-Maliszewska B, Slaby E & Prell M

(2022) New Insights into the Isotopic Composition of the Zechstein Kupferschiefer Unit Based on the in situ Cu and Fe Isotopic Data
Derkowska K, Lazarov M, Ciazela J, Derkowski P & Wojtulek P

(2022) Hydrothermal and Evaporation Minerals of the Western Isidis Area on Mars
Zalewska N, Ciazela J & Czechowski L

(2022) Perspectives for Ore Prospecting in Space: Multiplanetary Far-Ir ORE Spectrometer (MIRORES)
Jozefowicz M, Ciazela J, Kowalinski M, Bakala J, Zalewska N, Ciazela M, Marciniak D, Pieterek B, Paslawski G, Szaforz Z & Sniadkowski A

(2021) High-Temperature Chalcocite in Silicate Slag Melt and Implications for Mineralogy of Sulfides from Natural Cu-Rich Exotic Melts
Derkowska KA & Ciążela J

(2019) Fe-Cu Stable Isotope and Trace Element Variations during Mantle Metasomatism – A Study on Sulfide Blebs from Peridotite Xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
Szabó C, Patkó L, Ciążela J, Aradi LE, Liptai N, Pieterek B, Lazarov M, Holtz F & Kovács IJ

(2019) Ni-Fe Isotope Fractionation during Cooling of Sulfide Liquid
Ciazela J, Weyer S, Weyrauch M, Horn I, Dick H & Pieterek B

(2017) Igneous Sulfides in Gabbros of the Lower Oceanic Crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge
Ciazela J, Koepke J, Strauss H, Bender M, Pieterek B, Kuhn T, Dick H & Muszynski A

(2016) Cu-Rich Serpentine at a Crust-Mantle Transition Zone – Remnants of Primary Sulfide Accumulation?
Ciazela J, Koepke J, Dick H, Muszynski A, Botcharnikov R, Kuhn T & Albrecht M

(2015) Significant Vanadium Isotope Fractionation Revealed in V Minerals by Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS
Schuth S, Horn I, Ciazela J & Weyer S

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