All abstracts by Ilya Bugaev in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Experimental Organic Matter Maturation and Oil Formation in Unconventional ReservoirsKalmykov A, Bychkov A, Kalmykov G, Bugaev I & Kozlova E
(2016) Hydrocarbon Generation in High-Carbon Formations Under Hydrotermal Conditions
Kalmykov A, Bychkov A, Bugaev I, Kalmykov G, Kozlova E, Tarnopolskaya M, Popova Y & Balushkina N
(2015) Experimental Study of Kerogen Transformation at Hydrothermal Conditions (on the Example of Bazhenov Formation, West Siberia)
Kalmykov A, Bychkov A, Kalmykov G, Bugaev I & Kozlova E