All abstracts by Larryn W. Diamond in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Behavior of Amagmatic Geothermal Systems: A Geochemical and Geophysical Study of the Agua Blanca Fault, Baja California, MexicoCarbajal D, Wanner C, Peiffer L, Diamond LW, Fletcher J & Inguaggiato C
(2022) Hydrothermal Alteration in the Upper Crust of the Oman Ophiolite: A 2D View Below the Seafloor
Diamond LW
(2021) Paleobathymetry of Submarine Lavas in the Samail and Troodos Ophiolites: Insights from Volatiles in Glasses and Implications for Hydrothermal Systems
Belgrano TM, Tollan PM, Marxer F & Diamond LW
(2019) Rock-Matrix Versus Fracture-Controlled Fluid Pathways in the Extrusive Layer of the Oceanic Crust
Brett AC, Diamond LW, Weber S & Gilgen SA
(2019) Pathways of Hydrothermal Fluids in Fast-Spreading Oceanic Crust: Insights from Remote Sensing of 1000 km2 of Upper-Crust in the Oman Ophiolite
Belgrano T, Diamond L, Novakovic N, Hewson R, Hecker C & Gilgen S
(2019) Compositions and Water–rock Ratios of Deep Hydrothermal Fluids that Alter the Oceanic Crust
Diamond LW, Richter L & Weber S
(2019) Investigating Mineral Reactions during High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-Ates)
van den Heuvel DB, Alt-Epping P, Wanner C, Mäder U & Diamond LW
(2019) Simulations of Chemical Processes during High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage
Alt-Epping P, van den Heuvel DB, Wanner C & Diamond LW
(2015) Timing Mismatch between VMS Deposits and Footwall Epidosite Alteration in the Semail Ophiolite
Diamond L & Gilgen S
(2013) Simulation of water–Rock Interaction and Porosity Evolution in a Granitoid-Hosted Enhanced Geothermal System
Diamond LW & Alt-Epping P
(2013) Numerical Simulation of fluid–Rock Interaction Upon CO2 Injection into a Carbonate-Hosted Saline Aquifer
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
(2013) Investigation of Ancient Fluid Migration in Ordovician Carbonates in the Michigan Basin Using Secondary Minerals
Saso J, Caldas R, Diamond L, Parmenter A & Al T
(2013) Volcanostratigraphic Controls on the Occurrence of Massive Sulfide (VMS) Deposits in the Oman Ophiolite
Gilgen S, Diamond L & Mercolli I
(2011) Numerical Simulation of Alteration Patterns Induced by Sequestration of CO2 in a Carbonate-Hosted Saline Aquifer
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
(2009) Modification of Fluid Inclusions by Experimental Plastic Deformation of Natural Single Quartz
Tarantola A, Diamond LW & Stünitz H
(2009) Geochemical Processes in Carbonate and Silicate-Dominated Reservoirs of Deep Geothermal Systems: Insights from Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Chemical Modeling
Alt-Epping P, Diamond LW & Waber HN
(2008) Modeling the Chemical Evolution of an Ultramafic Oceanic Hydrothermal System: Insights from Reactive Transport Simulations
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
(2007) Experimental Re-equilibration of Quartz-Hosted H2O-CO2-NaCl Inclusions Under Differential Stress Using a Griggs Apparatus
Tarantola A, Diamond L & Stünitz H
(2007) Interaction of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transport, and Chemical Reactions in Oceanic Hydrothermal Systems: New Insights from Fully Coupled Reactive Transport Simulations
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
(2006) Reactive transport simulations of lateral hydrothermal circulation in oceanic hydrothermal systems
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
(2004) Solubility of CO2 in Water and in Aqueous NaCl Solutions from 0 to 100℃ and from 0.1 to 100 MPa: Literature Data and Thermodynamic Modelling
Akinfiev N & Diamond L
(2002) Thermodynamic Description of Aqueous Non-Electrolytes at Infinite Dilution over a Wide Range of State Parameters
Akinfiev NN & Diamond LW
(2002) P-V-T-X Properties of Two H2O-CO2-NaCl Mixtures up to 850 ?C and 500 MPa: Synthetic Fluid Inclusion Study
Diamond LW & Kr¸ger Y
(2001) The Torres del Paine Laccolith (Chile): Intrusion and Metamorphism
Putlitz B, Baumgartner LP, Oberhänsli R, Diamond L & Altenberger U