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All abstracts by David Bekaert in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Linking Plate Tectonic Settings and Microbial Functions on a Global Scale
Bastoni D, Buongiorno J, Morrison S, Hazen R, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Barry P, Bekaert D, Zahirovic S, Cordone A & Giovannelli D

(2019) Geochemical Evidence for High Volatile Fluxes from the Mantle at the End of the Archean
Marty B, Bekaert D, Broadley M & Jaupart C

(2019) Detection of Primordial Heavy Noble Gases in Yellowstone National Park
Broadley M, Barry P, Bekaert D, Caracausi A, Ballentine C & Marty B

(2019) Noble Gas Insights into the Degassing History of Earth's Mantle Reservoirs
Bekaert D, Broadley M, Caracausi A & Marty B

(2019) The EXCITING Experiment: Understanding the Isotopic and Elemental Evolution of Noble Gases Trapped in Water Ice
Almayrac M, Bekaert D, Broadley M & Marty B

(2018) Xenon Isotopes in Archean Kerogens: On the Syngenetic Origin of Ancient Organic Materials and Evolution of the Primitive Atmosphere
Bekaert DV, Broadley MW, Delarue F, Avice G, Robert F & Marty B

(2018) Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere from Cometary Noble Gases
Broadley M, Bekaert D & Marty B

(2016) The Isotopic Composition of the Martian Atmosphere Recorded in the Tissint Meteorite
Avice G, Bekaert D, Marty B & Chennaoui Aoudjehane H

(2015) The Controversy of the Variation of the Helium Isotopes Ratio in Air with Latitude
Boucher C, Lan TF, Bekaert D, Mabry J, Marty B & Burnard P

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