All abstracts by Yevgeni Zakon in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) What is the Real Depandncy of Albite Dissolution Rate on Deviation from EquilibriumGruber C, Zakon Y & Ganor J
(2015) Free Energy Dependence of Albite Dissolution Kinetics
Gruber C, Kutuzov I, Zakon Y & Ganor J
(2014) Isotope Approach for Tracking the Fate of Brominated Organic Compounds in the Environment
Gelman F, Bernstein A, Zakon Y, Balaban N, Kozell A, Halicz L & Ronen Z
(2014) Coupling between Dissolution and Precipitation during Chemical Weathering of Albite
Gruber C, Zhu C, Kutuzov I, Zakon Y, Georg B & Ganor J