All abstracts by Dana Thomas in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Fluid-Mineral-Organic Interactions and Contaminant Release in Shale ReservoirsHarrison A, Li Q, Jew A, Dustin M, Kiss A, Thomas D, Joe-wong C, Bargar J, Brown G & Maher K
(2017) The Evolution of Land Plants and Silicate Weathering
Ibarra D, Caves J, Bachan A, Baresch A, Lau K, Thomas D, Lee J-E, Boyce K & Chamberlain CP
(2016) Hydrologic and Geochemical Responses to CO2 Injection in Basalts Based on Flow-Through Experiments
Thomas D, Hingerl F, Maher K, Garing C, Bird D & Benson S
(2016) Physical and Chemical Alteration of Shales during Hydraulic Fracturing
Harrison AL, Jew A, Dustin M, Kiss A, Kohli A, Thomas D, Joe-Wong C, Liu Y, Lim J-H, Brown G, Maher K & Bargar J
(2014) CO2 Uptake and Trace Element Mobilization in Icelandic Geothermal Systems
Thomas D, Bird D, Arnórsson S, Brown, Jr. G & Maher K