All abstracts by Florence Sylvestre in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Evidence of bomb-36Cl in 3 Lake Aquifer Systems in Lake Chad BasinPoulin C, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Vallet-Coulomb C, Bouchez C, Mahamat-Nour A, Bichara L, Guinbe A, Doumnang J-C, Ménot G, Stieglitz T & Sylvestre F
(2017) Transfer Times in the CZ in Sahelian Catchment from Extensive 36Cl Data
Bouchez C, Deschamps P, Goncalves J, Hamelin B, Mahamat Nour A, Vallet-Coulomb C, Doumnang J-C & Sylvestre F
(2017) Chemical and Isotopic Characterisation of the Chari and Logone Rivers, Lake Chad Basin: A Comparison between the 1970's and 2010's Fluxes
Mahamat Nour A, Deschamps P, Vallet-Coulomb C, Poulin C, Bouchez C, Hamelin B, Ginot P & Sylvestre F
(2014) Assessing Groundwater Dynamics in the Multi-Layer Aquifer of the Lake Chad Basin Using 36Cl and 14C Data
Bouchez C, Deschamps P, Goncalves J, Hamelin B, Seidel J-L, Doumnang J-C & Sylvestre F