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All abstracts by Michael Schaefer in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Private Well Installation Trends and Correlation of Borehole Stratigraphy with Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Kandal Province, Cambodia
Romero K & Schaefer M

(2020) Enhanced Arsenic Leaching due to Iron and Arsenic Phase Transformations during Ceramic Water Filter Production
Schaefer M, Le N, Abernathy M, Nguyen D, Cornell T & Ying S

(2019) Mineral Evolution during Fe(II)/Mn-Oxide Redox Dynamics and Implications for Contaminant Fate
Schaefer M, Mock R, Handler R, Abernathy M, Aiken M, Garniwan A, Lee I, Scherer M & Ying S

(2018) Investigation into the Mechanisms Controlling Vanadium Transformation and Competitive Retention between Manganese and Iron Oxides
Abernathy M, Ying S & Schaefer M

(2017) Impact of Mineral-Organic Associations on CO2 Flux during Soil Moisture Transitions
Schaefer M, Keiluweit M, Avila CC, Ying S, Benner S & Fendorf S

(2017) Drought Mitigation Through Carbon Management: Improved Understanding of the Role of Soil Aggregates in Agriculture
Ying S, Avila CC, Berhe A, Bogie N, Brodiee E, Dubinsky E, Ghezzehei T, Marklein A, Nico P, Parikh S, Rath D, Riley W, Schaefer M, Scow K & Torn M

(2014) Arsenian Pyrite Formation Concentrates Arsenic within Peat Deposits of the Mekong Delta
Stuckey J, Kocar B, Schaefer M, Dittmar J & Fendorf S

(2014) The Effect of Soil Saturation on Carbon Oxidation and Arsenic Release in the Mekong Delta
Schaefer M, Dittmar J, Stuckey J & Fendorf S

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