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All abstracts by Jakub Sliwinski in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Recovering the Vegetation/Soil Component of δ13C Variation in Speleothem Records, Despite Overprints from In-Cave Effects
Stoll H, Day CC, Lechleitner F, Kost O, Endres L, Śliwiński J, Perez-Mejias C, Cheng H & Scholz D

(2024) New Applications of Petrographic and Geochemical Techniques to Lucayan Archives
Cantine M, Jones S, Hibner B, Śliwiński J, Pavia F, Trower E, Gomes M & Sinelli P

(2019) Hydrological Variations Inferred from Colloidally-Transported and pH-Dependent Trace Elements in Stalagmites
Sliwinski J, Kost O & Stoll H

(2018) Controls on Lithium Concentration in Zircon
Sliwinski J, Kueter N, Guillong M & Bachmann O

(2017) 40Ar-39Ar, Chemistry and Mantle Source Modelling of Apollo 17 Basalts
Assis Fernandes V, Czaja P, Fawcett L, Khan A, Liebske C, Neal C & Sliwinski J

(2016) Biotite Trace Element Fingerprints (V-Co-nb) Identify Magma Batches and Correlate Volcano Sequences at Las Cañadas Volcano, Tenerife
Sliwinski J, Ellis B, Dávila-Harris P, Wolff J, Olin P & Bachmann O

(2014) Textural and Geochemical Evidence for Remobilized Cumulates on Tenerife, Canary Islands
Sliwinski J, Bachmann O & Ellis B

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