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All abstracts by Jinlong Ma in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Large Mo Isotope Fractionation during the Diorite Weathering
Wang Z, Li J, Liang X, Wei G, Ma J & He H

(2023) Variable Dehydration Behaviors of Slab Serpentinite beneath the Mariana Subduction Zone
Zhao S-Y, Yang AY, Zhou Z, Tamura Y, Ma J, Xu Y, Zhang S & Zhao T-P

(2023) Stable Neodymium Isotopic Fractionation during Chemical Weathering
Bai J, Ma J & Wei G

(2019) Anthropogenic and Natural Impacts on Mo Isotope Composition in River Water—a Study from the Liuxihe River, in South China
Wang Z, Li J, Wei G, Ye F, Chen Y & Ma J

(2019) Calcium Isotopic Compositions of a Carbonate Weathering Porfile in Southern China
Li X, Liu F, An Y, Wei G, Ma J & Zhang Z

(2019) A Convenient Method of Lithium Purification and its Isotope Measurement on Geological Standard Materials by MC-ICP-MS
Ma J & Zhu G

(2018) Potassium Isotope Fractionation during Chemical Weathering of Granite
Teng F-Z, Hu Y, Ma J & Wei G

(2018) Biological-Controlled Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in Corals Reef System
Wang Z, Li J, Ma J, Wei G, Deng W, Chen X, McCulloch M & Zhang L

(2016) Adsorption-And Desorption-Controlled Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation during Weathering Process of Granite from Guangdong Province, South China
Wang Z, Ma J, Li J, Wei G, Deng W & Zhang L

(2015) Distribution of B and Variation of δ11B in Basaltic Weathering Profile from Hainan Island, South China
Ma J, Wei G, Liu Y & Xu Y

(2014) The Variation of Non-Traditional Sr Isotope in Basaltic Weathering Profile from Hainan Island, China
Ma J, Wei G, Liu Y & Zeng T

(2014) Variations of Mo Isotope during Intensive Weathering of Basalt
Wei G, Ma J, Liu Y, Wang Z, Li J, Ren Z & Xu Y

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