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All abstracts by Sathish Mayanna in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Locally Derived Mineral Dust Fertilizes the Glacier Ice Algal Blooms in the ‘Dark Zone’ of the Greenland Ice Sheet
McCutcheon J, McQuaid JB, Canha N, Barr SL, Lutz S, Roddatis V, Mayanna S, Tedstone AJ, Tranter M & Benning LG

(2020) Aerosols and Albedo: Links between Airborne Particulate Matter and Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet
McCutcheon J, McQuaid JB, Williamson C, Cook J, Tedstone A, Lutz S, Rigby R, Mayanna S, Tranter M & Benning LG

(2019) Arsenic Speciation and Distribution in Peat Deposits of the Hetao Basin, China
Wang H, Byrne J, Perez J, Thomas A, Benning L, Mayanna S, Hoefer H, Kontny A, Eiche E, Guo H, Kappler A & Norra S

(2017) Biogeochemical Controls on the Bioavailability of Ni in Seawater
Peacock C, Atkins A, Mayanna S & Shaw S

(2014) Biomineralization of Mn Oxides by Mn(II)-Oxidizing Bacilli from an Extreme Environment
Mayanna S, Peacock CL, Ciobota V, Narayana VKB, Kothe E, Rösch P, Popp J & Büchel G

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