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All abstracts by Anurodh Mohan Dayal in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2013) Unconventional Shale Gas
Dayal AM, Mishra S & Mani D

(2012) Evidence of Paleo Sulfate Methane Transition Zone in Marine Sediments
Mazumdar A, Peketi A, Joshi RK, Joa H, Patil DJ, Rao LS & Dayal AM

(2011) Geochemical Implications of Iodine Distribution in Indian Soils
Mani D, Patil D & Dayal A

(2011) C, O, Sr Isotope Compositions of Sediments of the Mesozoic Kutch Basin, NW India
Patil D, Sreenivas B, Srikarni C, Ramamurthy PB, Babu EVSSK, Vijaya Gopal B & Dayal AM

(2010) Discovery of Hydrocarbon in Proterozoic Vindhyan Basin, East India, Using Geochemical Signatures
Dayal A & Raju SV

(2009) Application of Geo-Microbial Prospecting Method for Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Micro-Seepage Pattern in Oil and Gas Fields of Mehasana, Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India
Rasheed MA, Veena Prasanna M, Patil DJ & Dayal AM

(2009) Geomicrobial Prospecting for Hydrocarbon Research in Deccan Synclise, India
Dayal AM, Rasheed MA, Prassana V & Raju SV

(2008) Search of Hydrocarbon in Mesozoic Sediments Below the Deccan Basalt, India
Dayal AM, Patil DJ & Raju SV

(2008) Origin of Sediment Gases in Gulf of Kutch Using Molecular and Isotopic Studies
Patil D & Dayal A

(2008) Geo-Microbial Prospecting Method for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Vengannapalli Village, Cuddapah Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India
Veena Prasanna M, Rasheed MA & Dayal AM

(2008) Exploration of Hydrocarbons in Mehsana, Cambay Basin, India Using Geochemical Techniques
Madhavi T, Satish Kumar T, Kalpana G & Dayal AM

(2007) Integrated Geochemical Studies of Hydrocarbon in Proterozoic Basins
Dayal A & Raju S

(2007) Detection of Hydrocarbon Micro-Seepage Using Geo-Microbiological Method: A Case Study from Deccan Syncline, Maharashtra, India
Rasheed M, Patil D & Dayal AM

(2007) Adsorbed Soil Gas and Microbial Studies for Hydrocarbon Prospecting: Jamnagar Sub-Basin, Gujarat, India
Satish Kumar T, Rasheed MA, Kalpana G, Patil DJ & Dayal AM

(2005) Geochemistry of Proterozoic Shales from the Vindhyan Basin, Rajasthan: Source Area and Weathering
Dayal A

(2005) Geochemistry of Banded Iron Formation from Vanivilas Sagar, Karnataka, India
Dayal A

(2003) Strontium Isotopic Systematics of Mesoproterozoic Lower Vindhyan Shales: Implication for Provenance
Dayal A

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