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All abstracts by Dien Li in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2018) Structural Modified Organo-Feldspathoid for Sequestration of Anionic Radionuclides
Dickson J(, Conroy N, Powell B, Seaman J, Li D & Kaplan D

(2018) Radioiodine Speciation Impact on Ag-Activated Carbon Immobilization in Cementitious Environments
Kaplan D, Price K, Seaman J, Li D, Lin P, Xu C, Schwehr K, Tanaka K, Ohnuki T & Santschi P

(2018) Radioiodine Speciation in Cementitious Environments
Kaplan D, Xu C, Lin P, Li D, Schwehr K, Tanaka K, Ohnuki T & Santschi P

(2016) Seasonal Changes in Uranium Porewater Chemistry in a Contaminated Wetland
Kaplan D, Xu C, Santschi P, Li D, Seaman J & Jaffe P

(2014) Critical Role of a Wetland Plant on Uranium Biogeochemistry in an Iron-Rich Reducing Condition
Chang H, Buettner S, Seaman J, Jaffe P, Koster Van Groos P, Li D, Peacock A, Scheckel K & Kaplan D

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