All abstracts by Joo-Ae Kim in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Preparation of QA/QC Protocol for Environmental CCS Management: Selecting the Pertinent Analytical MethodsLee HA, Kim JA & Yoon H-O
(2015) Ecotoxicities Evaluation of Antifouling Agents Application for Lithium Adsorbents in Seawater
Kim J-A, Chung K-S, Ryu J-H & Yoon H-O
(2014) Seasonal Characteristics of Marine Biofouling on the Lithium Adsorbents in Okgye Harbor, Korea
Yoon H-O, Kim J-A, Kong M, Chung K-S & Ryu J-H
(2014) Influence of Biofouling on the Lithium Manganese Oxide and its Dissolution Characteristics Near the Sacheon Harbor, South Korea
Kim J-A, Kong M, Chung K-S, Ryu J-H & Yoon H-O
(2014) Characteristics of Water-Soluble Organic Carbon Species and Sources in PM2.5 in Gosan Supersite, Jeju, Korea
Kim J-A, Park M, Lee M, Ahn Y-G, Shin J-H & Yoon H-O