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All abstracts by Jonguk Kim in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) He-Ne-Ar-O Isotope Geochemistry of Cenozoic Basalts in the East Sea, Republic of Korea
Lee W, Lee H, Kim S, Kim J, Kim J, Oh J, Kim CH & Park CH

(2024) Extreme Compositional Variability of Melts Preserved in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from a Ridge-Transform Intersection in Central Indian Ridge (16.5°S)
Im S, Park J-W, Choi S, Kim J, Gurenko A & Choi S

(2023) Distribution of Diverse Styles of Hydrothermal Vent Fields along the Slow-Spreading Central Indian Ridge between 8° and 16°S
Kim J, Kim W, Choi SK, Oh J & Moon I

(2023) Mantle Heterogeneity and Crustal Processes Preserved in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the Central Indian Ridge at 16.5°S
Im S, Park J-W, Kim J, Choi S, Gurenko A & Choi S

(2023) HIMU and EM1 Components in the Upper Mantle beneath the Northeast Lau Spreading Center
Oh J, Kim J, Lee I & Hwang G

(2023) Hydrothermal Mineralization and Source Origin in the Mirae-2 Vent Field, Central Indian Ridge
Choi SK, Kim J, Pak SJ & Kim W

(2023) Quantitative Estimation of Magnetite in Serpentinite as a Key Tracer of Natural H2 Formation: A Case Study in the Central Indian Ridge
Kim W, Choi SK, Kim J, Park J-W & Choi S

(2021) Calcium Stable Isotopes of Tonga and Mariana Arc Lavas: Implications for Slab Fluid-Mediated Carbonate Transfer in Cold Subduction Zones
Wang X, Wang Z, Liu Y, Park J-W, Kim J, Li M & Zou Z

(2020) Helium Isotope Geochemistry of Mantle Xenoliths and Cenozoic Basalts in Jeju Island, South Korea
Kim D, Lee H, Kim J, Oh J & Stuart FM

(2020) Geochemical and Mineralogical Evidences for Evolved Alkaline Mamatism from Pyroxene–hosted Melt Inclusions
Moon I, Kim J, Lee H, Seoung D, Oh J, Kim CH, Park CH & Lee I

(2020) Decoupling of Helium and Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Systems Associated with Ridge Morphology and Mantle Dynamics of the Central North Fiji Basin
Oh J, Kim J, Stuart FM, Park M & Lee I

(2020) Discovery of Active Hydrothermal Vent Fields along the Central Indian Ridge, 8°S-16°S
Kim J, Son S-K, Pak S-J & Walker S

(2019) Ca and Zn Isotopic Compositions of Arc Lavas from Tonga Rear Arc
Wang X, Wang Z, Park J-W, Kim J, Li M & Zou Z

(2019) Gold Mineralization at the Forecast Hydrothermal Field in Southern Mariana Trough
Choi SK, Pak SJ, Park J-W, Choi S-H & Kim J

(2019) Possible Contributions of HIMU and EM1 Components in Magma Generation beneath the Northern Lau Back-Arc Basin
Oh J, Kim J & Lee I

(2019) Melt-Rock Reaction in Gabbroic Rocks from the Central Indian Ridge and the Influence on MORB
Choi S, Park J-W, Kim J, Oh J & Park C

(2018) Mapping of Active and Inactive Vent Fields along the Censtral Spreading Ridge in the North Fiji Basin
Kim J, Son J, Pak S-J, Oh J & Son S-K

(2018) Geochemical Constraints on Enriched Mantle Source of the North Fiji Basin
Oh J, Kim J, Lee I & Stuart FM

(2016) Formation of Fe-Mn Crust in Western Pacific Magellan Seamount
Park H, Yang K, Kim J, Baik H, Yoon J, Park K & Kim J

(2015) Hydrothermal Plume along the Northern Central Indian Ridge, 8°S–17°S: Magmatic and Tectonic Control on Hydrothermal Activity at Slow-Spreading Ridge
Moon J-W, Kim J, Son J & Son S-K

(2015) Variation of Arc Signature in Volcanic Lavas from the Southern Tonga-Lau Arc and Back-Arc System
Oh J, Kim J & Moon J-W

(2015) Mantle Heterogeneity in the Source Region of MORBs along the Nothern Central Indian Ridge
Kim J, Pak S-J, Oh J & Moon J-W

(2014) Copper Isotope Composition of Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents in Back-Arc and Arc Settings, Western Pacific
Kim J, Moon J-W, Lee I, Kim Y & Larson P

(2014) Geochemical Mapping of North Fiji Basin: Evidence for the Source Heterogeneity and Distribution of Mantle Domains
Oh J, Kim J & Moon J-W

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