All abstracts by Prachi Joshi in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Reactive Organic Carbon Governing the Ecosystem Functions of Permafrost Soil and their Response to Climate ChangeShahriar A, Timilsina A, Voggenreiter E, Mollenkopf M, Lokesh S, Radakovich A, Numan T, Stincone P, Joshi P, Petras D, Kappler A & Yang Y
(2023) Schwertmannite as a New Sorbent for Phosphate Immobilization: The Role of pH and Sulfate Release
As KS, Hockmann K, Joshi P, Kappler A & Peiffer S
(2023) Size-Dependent Reactivity of Fe(III) (Oxyhydr)oxides Towards Microbial and Electrochemical Reduction
Xu X, Mansor M, Kappler A & Joshi P
(2023) Formation and Reactivity of Iron-Organic Matter (Fe-Om) Phases in Wetland Systems
Joshi P, Chauhan A, Voggenreiter E & Kappler A
(2023) Mobility of Phosphorus Regulated by Microbial Co-reduction of iron(III) and Sulfate in Mixed Cultures
Wan B, Joshi P, Shuster J, Fischer S, Kappler A & Mansor M
(2023) Linking Greenhouse Gas Release to Subsurface Biogeochemistry in Coastal Wetlands
Kainz N, Kappler A & Joshi P
(2023) Effect of Iron-Organic Carbon Coprecipitates on Greenhouse Gas Release Across a Permafrost Thaw Gradient
Voggenreiter E, Friedel M, Kappler A & Joshi P
(2023) Role of iron(II)-oxidizing Microorganisms in Organic Carbon Sequestration within a Thawing Permafrost System
Wunsch K, Muehe EM, Joshi P & Kappler A
(2021) Iron Mineral Control on Soil Organic Carbon Cycling during Permafrost Thaw
Voggenreiter E, Patzner MS, Joshi P, Borch T, Bryce C & Kappler A
(2021) Simultaneous Minimization of Arsenic Mobilization and Nitrous Oxide Emission Under Nitrogen Fertilization in Paddy Soils
Joss H, Joshi P, Maisch M, Zhu Y-G, Muehe EM, Zarfl C & Kappler A
(2021) Association between Iron (Fe) and Particulate Organic Matter (POM): Sorption and Redox Buffering
Joshi P, Sawwa D & Kappler A
(2021) Composition and Reactivity of Fe-C Aggregates along a Permafrost Thaw Gradient
Chauhan A, Patzner MS, Mansor M, Joshi P, Thomas Arrigo LK, Bryce C, Kretzschmar R & Kappler A
(2019) Redox Properties of Particulate Organic Matter from Northern Peatlands
Joshi P, Schroth M & Sander M
(2017) Model Perspectives on Stable Mineral Recrystallization
Fantle M, Joshi P & Gorski C
(2015) Morphological Changes during Fe Atom Exchange Reactions between Goethite and Aqueous Fe(II)
Joshi P & Gorski C
(2014) Fe Atom Exchange between Siderite (FeCO3) and Aqueous Fe(II): Trace Element Effects
Joshi P & Gorski C