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All abstracts by Junfeng Ji in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Sustainable Weathering of Silicate Minerals Driven by Fungi
Li Z, Liu L, Lu X, Li G, Jin Z, Yin Z, Zhu M, Ji J & Chen J

(2023) Seasonal Changes in the Formation Time of Pedogenic Carbonates on the Chinese Loess Plateau during Quaternary Glacial Cycles
Da J, Li G & Ji J

(2022) Chemical Weathering Controls on the Accumulation of Nickel in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivated in Basalt-Derived Paddy Fields
Wang H, Chen Y, Ji J & Chen J

(2020) Refining the paleosol-CO2 Proxy and the Reconstruction of early-Pleistocene CO2 Levels
Da J, Ji J, Zhang Y, Li G & Meng X

(2019) High Ecological Risks of Nickel in Basalt Derived Agricultural Soil and Associated Crops
Chen Y, Wang H, Li X, Wang Y & Ji J

(2017) A Seven-Million-Year Hornblende Mineral Record from the Central Chinese Loess Plateau
He T, Liu L, Chen Y, Sheng X & Ji J

(2016) Mineralogical Iron Species in Clay-Sized Fractions of the Chinese deserts:Implications for Iron Bioavailability to the North Pacific Ocean
Zhao W, Lu W & Ji J

(2016) Rainfall Thresholds for the Stability of Carbonate and Iron Oxide Minerals in the Monsoon Regions
Ji J, Long X, Balsam W & Meng X

(2016) Reconstructing Past Atmospheric CO2 Levels with Pedogenic Carbonates from the Chinese Loess Deposits
Da J & Ji J

(2014) The Potential Sources and Transport Pathways of Recent Surface Sand Ridges Sediments in the Southern Yellow Sea
Mao C, Rao W, Wang Y, Wang X, Balsam W & Ji J

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