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All abstracts by Konstantin Choumiline in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2019) Using Uranium Isotopes to Disentangle Biotic from Abiotic Processes in Marine Snow Aggregates
Choumiline K, Andersen MB, Lau K, Romaniello SJ, Aguirre-Bahena F, Shumilin E, Silverberg N & Lyons TW

(2018) Unexpected Biogeochemical Controls from the Santa Monica Basin Revealed in Carbon, Sulfur, and Trace Metal Cycling
Figueroa MC, Gregory DD, Choumiline K, LeMieux S, Treude T, Berelson W, Bates S & Lyons TW

(2018) Uranium Isotopes as the Storytellers of Swaying Oxygen Minimum Zones
Choumiline K, Andersen MB, Pérez-Cruz L, Carriquiry JD, Beaufort L & Lyons TW

(2017) Sensitivity of Redox Proxies to Rapid Variability in Oxygen Minimum Zones
Choumiline K, Lyons TW, Pérez-Cruz L, Carriquiry JD, Raiswell R & Beaufort L

(2016) Drivers of Redox Changes in Diverse Basins of the Gulf of California: Alfonso, La Paz, and Pescadero
Choumiline K, Lyons TW, Pérez-Cruz L, Carriquiry JD, Raiswell R & Beaufort L

(2014) Reconstructing Historical Trends in Hypoxia in a Coastal Marine System: Alfonso Basin, La Paz Bay, Southwestern Gulf of California
Choumiline K, Pérez-Tribouillier H, Shumilin E, Lyons TW & Pérez-Cruz L

(2014) Uranium Isotope Ratios as a Tool to Identify the Sources of Polluted Sediments from Santa Rosalía Copper Mining Region, Mexico
Shumilin E, Bernal-Uruchurtu JP & Choumiline K

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