All abstracts by Kim Nicole Dalby in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) Nano-Mechanical Properties of Chalk from Ptychographic ImagingMüter D, Dalby KN, Sørensen HO, Guizar-Sicairos M, Holler M & Stipp SLS
(2015) Visualising Fluid-Rock Interfaces Using FIB-SEM
Dalby KN, Osholm Sørensen H, Harti RP & Stipp SLS
(2015) Nanotomography: Resolution, Scale, and Physical Properties
Jha D, Osholm Sørensen H, Müter D, Bruns S, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS
(2015) Chemical Force Mapping of Clay Fractions from Sandstones
Blazanovic M, Nielsen AR, Matthiesen J, Dalby KN, Jelavic S, Hassenkam T & Stipp SLS
(2015) The Effect of Residual Organic Material on the Low Salinity Effect in Limestone
Pedersen NR, Hassenkam T, Ceccato M, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS
(2015) Inhibition of Calcite Growth: New Insight into the Behaviour of Mg2+, SO42- and MgSO4
Nielsen MR, Sand KK, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Bovet N, Dalby KN, Generosi J & Stipp SLS
(2015) Mg Uptake and Wettability Alteration of Calcite Surfaces
Ceccato M, Generosi J, Andersson MP, Bovet N, Hassenkam T, Dideriksen K, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS
(2013) Making Natural Materials Clean – And Model Samples Dirty
Dalby KN, Bovet N, Andersson MP, Juhl K & Stipp SLS
(2013) Cadmium Sorption by Green Rust
Nedel S, Dalby KN, Dideriksen K, Christiansen BC & Stipp SLS
(2013) Calcite and Chalk: Differences in Vapour Adsorption Behaviour
Okhrimenko DV, Dalby KN, Skovbjerg LL, Bovet N, Andersson MP, Olsson MHM & Stipp SLS
(2013) How Sandstone Mineral Surfaces Interact with Ca2+ and Cl<sup>-</sup> Ions
Nielsen AR, Dalby KN, Bovet N & Stipp SLS
(2011) Incorporation of Heavy Metals into Recent Travertine Formations at the Eyjafjallajökull Volcano
Olsson J, Stipp SLS, Dalby KN & Gislason SR
(2011) Nanocalcite as a Model for Biogenic, Geological Calcite
Schultz L, Andersson M, Okhrimenko D, Dalby K & Stipp S
(2011) Water and Ethanol Reactivity on Chalk from Water- and Gas-Saturated Zones
Okhrimenko D, Dalby K, Bovet N & Stipp S
(2011) XPS Heating with Mass Spectrometry: Tackling Chalk, Coccolith and Calcite Surfaces
Dalby K, Bovet N & Stipp S
(2009) A Micro-X-Ray Spectroscopic Investigation of CL Colors in Albite from the Georgeville Granite, Nova Scotia
Dalby KN, Anderson AJ, Mariano AN, Gordon RA & Mayanovic RA
(2006) Characterization of glasses using infrared spectroscopy
Dalby K, Dufresne C, King P, Byrnes J, Lee R & Ramsey M
(2005) A New Reflectance IR Spectroscopy Method for Analyzing H<->2<$>O in Rhyolitic to Basaltic Glasses
King P, Dalby K, Lui D & Griffin T