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All abstracts by Stuart Daines in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Dynamics of Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic Atmospheric and Ocean Oxygen
Daines S & Li Z

(2024) Modelling the Life-Environment Interface in Ancient Shelf Seas
Sjosten S, Daines S & Lenton TM

(2022) Towards Coupled Modelling of the Biosphere and Atmosphere for the Archean Climate: The Importance of Methane
Eager-Nash JK, Mayne NJ, Lenton TM & Daines S

(2022) Biosignatures Independent of Population Dynamics
Nicholson A, Daines S, Mayne NJ, Eager-Nash JK & Lenton TM

(2018) How Marine Eukaryote Evolution Could Have Caused Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic Oceanic Oxygenation Events
Lenton T & Daines S

(2017) What was the Proterozoic Oxygen Level and What Regulated it?
Lenton T, Daines S & Mills B

(2015) Ocean Acidification and the Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction: Process and Manifestation
Kasemann S, Wood R, Clarkson M, Lenton T, Daines S, Richoz S, Ohnemueller F, Meixner A, Poulton S & Tipper E

(2015) A Paleozoic Oxygenation Event Driven by the First Land Plants
Lenton T, Mills B & Daines S

(2015) Atmospheric Oxygen Regulation at Low Proterozoic Levels
Daines S, Mills B & Lenton T

(2014) Modelling the Co-evolution of Eukaryotes and Ocean Oxygenation in the Neoproterozoic
Daines S & Lenton T

(2013) Redox-Sensitive Controls on the Proterozoic Nitrogen Cycle
Daines S & Lenton T

(2012) Selection for Gaia at Multiple Scales
Daines S, Boyle R, Clark J, Williams H & Lenton T

(2012) A Spatially-Structured Model for Proterozoic Ocean Biogeochemistry
Daines S, Ridgwell A & Lenton T

(2011) Controls on and Effects of Surface Ocean Oxygenation Prior to the Great Oxidation
Daines S, Clark J & Lenton T

(2009) Oxygen Oases and the Great Oxidation
Daines S & Lenton T

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