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All abstracts by Sarah Coffinet in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Importance of Autotrophy in Continental Wetlands as Revealed by Coupled Metagenomic and Lipid Biomarker Approaches
Coffinet S, Dufresne A, Quaiser A, Hinrichs K-U & Laverman A

(2021) Identification of Microbial Methane Sources and Sinks in an Aquifer-Fed Continental Wetland with a Multi-Omics Approach
Coffinet S, Dufresne A, Quaiser A, Longuevergne L, Hinrichs K-U & Laverman A

(2019) Resorcinol Specific 13C-Composition: New Insights into Holocene Environmental Changes in Tanzania
Nguyen Tu TT, Rouyer L, Anquetil C, Mendez-Millan M, Coffinet S & Huguet A

(2018) The Butanetriol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (BDGTs), Potential Biomarkers for Methanogenesis?
Coffinet S, Mühlena L, Crump MP, Meador TB, Becker KW, Schröder J, Heuer VB, Lipp JS & Hinrichs K-U

(2017) Investigating the Activity of Methanogenic Archaea in Marine Sediments by Lipid Radioisotope Probing
Coffinet S, Evans TW, Könneke M, Elvert M, Lipp JS & Hinrichs K-U

(2017) Evaluation of 3-Hydroxy Fatty Acids as a Temperature and pH Proxy in Tanzanian Soils
Huguet A, Roussel A, Anquetil C, Coffinet S, Bergonzini L, Williamson D, Majule A & Derenne S

(2014) Assessing the Use of GDGTs as Temperature Proxies along Altitudinal Transects in East Africa
Huguet A, Coffinet S, Omuombo C, Williamson D, Fosse C, Anquetil C & Derenne S

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