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All abstracts by Doug Archer in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Identifying Sources of Sulfate Preserved in High Elevation Lava Tubes from Mauna Loa, Hawaii
Hayles JA, Killingsworth BA, Bouyon A, Sun T, Archer D & Niles PB

(2022) Searching for Mineralogical Evidence for the Clay-Sulfate Transition Region in Gale Crater, Mars Using the Sample Analysis at Mars-Evolved Gas Analyzer (SAM-Ega) Onboard the Curiosity Rover
Clark J, Sutter B, Wong G, Lewis J, McAdam A, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Eigenbrode J, Freissinet C, Stern J, Glavin DP, Steele A, Knudson C, House C, Malespin C & Ming DW

(2017) Effect of Solution pH and Chloride Concentration on Akaganeite Precipitation: Implications for Akaganeite Formation on Mars
Peretyazhko T, Rampe L, Clark J, Archer D, Morris D & Ming D

(2016) Oxychlorine Detections on Mars: Implications for Cl Cycling
Sutter B, Jackson A, Ming D, Archer D, Stern J, Mahaffy P & Gellert R

(2014) Evolved Gas Analysis of the Rocknest Aeolian Bedform, Gale Crater, Mars
Arevalo Jr. R, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Coll P, Eigenbrode J, Glavin D, Jones J, Leshin L, McAdam A, McKay C, Ming D, Morris R, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Niles P, Pavlov A, Squyres S, Stern J, Steele A & Wray J

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