All abstracts by Alfred Aquilina in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Diagenetic Mobilisation of Fe and Mn in Hydrothermal SedimentsAquilina A, Homoky WB, Hepburn LE, John SG, Conway TM, Lyons T & Mills RA
(2011) Subsurface Biogeochemistry of Hydrothermal Flow at the Hook Ridge, Bransfield Strait
Hepburn L, Mills R, Aquilina A, Copley J, Glover A & Tyler P
(2010) Biomarkers for Methane Cycling: From Marine to Terrestrial Settings
Pancost R, Aquilina A, Talbot H, Lim K, Evershed R, Gill F, Weijers J, Collinson M & Taylor K
(2009) Organic Matter Diagenesis, Methane Oxidation and their Relation to Ikaite Precipitation in Antarctic Sediments
Lu Z, Pancost R, Aquilina A & Rickaby R