All abstracts by Christoph Weinzierl in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) The Effect of Spreading Rate on the Compositions of MORBRegelous M, Weinzierl C, Haase K, Beier C & Wölki D
(2015) The Troodos Ophiolite was Probably Formed at a RTT/RTF Triple Junction
Regelous M, Haase K, Beier C, Brandl P, Keith M & Weinzierl C
(2015) Tectonic Controls on MORB Melting from Correlated Peridotite-Basalt Compositions
Weinzierl C, Regelous M & Haase K
(2013) Low-T Hydrothermal Fluid Evolution
Weinzierl C, Bach W, Böhm F, Regelous M & Haase K