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All abstracts by Jian Sun in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Ca Isotope Compositions of Prairie Lake Carbonatite Complex
Sun J, Zhu X, Mitchell R, Wu F & Williams HM

(2021) Application of Ca Isotope Systematics in Studies of Carbonatites
Sun J, Zhu X, Belshaw N, Chen W, Doroshkevich AG, Luo W, Song W, Chen B, Cheng Z, Li Z-H, Wang Y, Kynicky J & Henderson G

(2019) A One-Column Separation of Ca and Sr for Accurate Isotopic Analysis Using MC-ICPMS
Sun J, Zhu X, Belshaw NS, Henderson GM, Chen B, Li S, Ma J & Li Z

(2018) An Early Neoproterozoic Banded Iron Formation in China
Sun J, Zhu X & Li Z

(2017) Comparison of Luobusha and Xigaze Chromite Mineralization from the Yarlung-Zangbo Ophiolite Belt
Zhu X-K, She Y-W, He Y, Sun J, Ma J-X & Wan H-Q

(2017) Is Fe Isotope Composition of Banded Iron Formation a Proxy of pH? A Study of Neoproterozoic Iron Formations
Sun J, Zhu X-K, Li Z-H, Yan B & Li J

(2016) Fe Isotope and Trace Element Variations in Shilu Fe-Ore Deposit, Hainan Province, China
Sun J, Zhu X-K, Li Z-H & Wang Y

(2014) Fe-Nd- Isotopes and Trace Element Geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic Iron Formation in Xinyu, Yangtze Region, China
Sun J, Zhu X-K, Li Z-H, Yan B & Li J

(2013) Mg and Fe Isotope Constraints on the Genesis of Bayan Obo Ore Deposits, Inner Mongolia, China
Zhu X, Sun J & Li S

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