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All abstracts by Cody Sheik in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Sediments in Deep Fracture Networks Reveal Divergent Sulfur Cycles
Schuler CJ, Patsis AC, Sheik C, McDermott JM, Santelli CM & Toner BM

(2023) Metagenomic Analyses Reveal the Role of Organosulfur in Deep Subsurface Biogeochemical Sulfur Cycling
Patsis AC, Sheik C & Santelli CM

(2023) Assessing the Roles of Nitrogen Fixing Microorganisms in Subsurface Environments
Sheik C & Patsis AC

(2022) Cytochrome C Oxidase, NADH Dehydrogenase, and Manganese Superoxide Dismutase in Photosynthetic Outflow Channels of Continental Hydrothermal Springs
Andrade Barahona E, Nelson M, Sheik C & Cox A

(2022) Metagenomic Insights into the Importance of Organic Sulfur in the Deep Biosphere
Patsis AC, Santelli CM & Sheik C

(2021) An XRF Study in Mechanisms of Chromium Removal from Industrial Storm Water Using Peat Medium
Stewart BD, Nicholas SL, Eger P, Sheik C & Toner BM

(2020) Modern Water-Microbe-Mineral Feedbacks within a Subsurface Banded Iron Formation
McDermott JM, Gralnick J, Santelli CM, Bond DR, Sheik C, Kang PK, Peterson D, Lee W, Hsu D, Schuler CJ, Alexander SC, Noren A & Toner BM

(2020) Can Microbial Activity Enhance Chromium Removal from Industrial Stormwater?
Stewart B, Sheik C, Eger P & Toner B

(2020) Sulfide, Sulfite, and Sulfate Production from Organic Sulfur in Archean Oceans and Modern Lakes
Katsev S, Fakhraee M, Hyde E, Petersen M, Sheik C & Schreiner K

(2019) Origin of Dissolved C1-C4 Hydrocarbons and Assessment of Methanogenesis in Deep Subsurface Fracture Water: Soudan, Minnesota
Dowd W, Sheik C, Santelli C, Schuler C, Toner B & McDermott J

(2019) Can Microbial Sulfur-Reduction Enhance Chromium Removal from Industrial Stormwater?
Stewart B, Sheik C, Eger P & Toner B

(2018) Novel Genomes Reveal Carbon Cycling Potential of Microbes Living in an Archean Iron Formation
Sheik C, Badalamenti J, Bond D, Gralnick J & Toner B

(2018) Microbes and Minerals from Two Ferruginous Lakes on a Spectrum of Physical and Chemical Characteristics
Swanner E, Lambrecht N, Fakhraee M, Sheik C, Katsev S & Wittkop C

(2017) The Iron Isotope Composition of Northern Hemisphere Glacial Systems
Stevenson E, Williams H, Robbins M, Sheik C, Arendt C, Clinger A & Aciego S

(2017) Shedding Light on Microbially Driven Biogeochemical Cycles in Freshwater Sediments
Sheik C

(2016) Organic Carbon and Iron-Rich Particles in Deep Ocean Hydrothermal Plumes, Von Damm Vent Field, Mid-Cayman Rise
Cron B, Toner B, Breier C, Dick G, Jiang H & Sheik C

(2016) Chemosynthetic Microbial Processes in Glacier Outflows in Southern Greenland
Sheik C, Stevenson E, Dick G, Cory R, Arednt C & Aciego S

(2016) Iron Isotope Fractionation in Subglacial Systems
Stevenson EI, Fantle M, Williams H, Das S, Sheik C & Aciego S

(2016) Does Organic Sulfur Make a Significant and Overlooked Contribution to Sedimentary S Cycling in Low Sulfate Environments?
Katsev S, Fakhraee M, Li J, Schreiner K & Sheik C

(2013) Microbial Communities Correlate with Lemon Creek Glacier Meltwater Discharge
Sheik C, Stevenson E, Den Uyl P, Aciego S & Dick G

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