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All abstracts by Joshua Schwartz in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) How Efficient is Melt Homogenization in the Lower Crust?
Schwartz J, Carty K, Klepeis K, Stowell H, Tulloch A & Barnes C

(2020) Mapping the 4D Lithospheric Architecture of Zealandia Using Zircon O and Hf Isotopes in Plutonic Rocks
Turnbull R, Schwartz J, Fiorentini M, Jongens R, Ludwig T, Evans N, McDonald B & Klepeis K

(2020) Tracking the Geochemical Evolution of Arc Melts from Lower-Crustal MASH Zone to Mid-Crustal Melt Reservoir, Fiordland, New Zealand
Greenberg G & Schwartz J

(2014) Linking Cooling and Extensional Collapse in a Continental Arc Root, Fiordland, New Zealand
Clements BL, Schwartz J, Stowell H, Klepeis K, Hacker B, Kylander-Clark A & Tulloch A

(2013) Evidence for North to South Progression of Pulsed Intrusion and Metamorphism in the Lower Crust of a Gondwana Arc, Fiordland NZ
Stowell H, Hout C, Tulloch A, Odom-Parker K, Schwartz J & Klepeis K

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