All abstracts by Cyril Marchand in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) Lateral Carbon and Nutrients Exchanges in a Mangrove Tidal Creek: A Multi-Stable Isotope ApproachTaillardat P, Ziegler AD, Friess D, Marchand C, Ohte N & Widory D
(2016) From Garnierite Toward Pyrite: A Journey at the Molecular Level that Depicts the Crystal-Chemistry of Nickel in New Caledonia
Juillot F, Fritsch E, Morin G, Dublet G, Noel V, Ona-Nguema G, Marchand C, Ikogou M, Brest J, Belin S, Proux O, Hazemann J-L, Olivi L, Kappen P, Marakovic G & Brown Jr. G
(2015) Fe and Ni Cycling in Mangrove Sediments from New Caledonia
Juillot F, Noel V, Morin G, Marchand C, Viollier E, Ona-Nguema G, Brest J, Marakovic G & Brown Jr. G
(2013) XAS Crystal-Chemistry of Fe in Mangrove Sediments from New Caledonia. Implication for Iron Biogeochemical Cycling
Noël V, Marchand C, Juillot F, Ona-Nguema G, Marakovic G & Morin G