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All abstracts by Barbara Lothenbach in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Thermodynamic Study on Zeolite Formation at Cement/Clay Interfaces
Ma B & Lothenbach B

(2018) A Realistic Three-Site Solid Solution Model of C-S-H
Kulik D, Miron GD & Lothenbach B

(2018) Parameterization of a New C-S-H Solid Solution Model for Alkali Uptake
Miron GD, Kulik DA & Lothenbach B

(2018) Effect of Redox Conditions on Sulfur, Selenium and Iodine Binding in AFm Phases
Nedyalkova L, Lothenbach B, Tits J, Wieland E & Mäder U

(2017) Interaction of Fe(II) with Cement Phases in Anoxic Conditions
Mancini A, Wieland E & Lothenbach B

(2017) Effect of Redox Conditions on Sulfur and Selenium Binding in AFm Phases
Nedyalkova L, Lothenbach B, Tits J, Wieland E & Mäder U

(2015) Redox Transformations and the Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Influence on Se Immobilization
Wieland E, Rojo H, Scheinost A, Lothenbach B & Tits J

(2013) Thermodynamic Data for Cementitious Systems: Katoite
Lothenbach B

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