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All abstracts by Min Luo in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Active Silicate Alterations and its Role in Major Cation Sinks in Volcanic Ash-Rich Hikurangi Margin Sediments
Cui Q, Luo M, Hong W-L, Huang T-H, Xiao Y & Sun X

(2023) Methane Supply Drives Prokaryotic Community Assembly and Networks at Cold Seeps of the South China Sea
Niu M, Deng L, Su L, Ruff SE, Yang N, Luo M, Qi Q, Li J & Wang F

(2023) Calcium Isotope Systematics of Authigenic Carbonates at Cold Seeps
Gong S, Luo M & Feng D

(2023) Organic Matter and Methane Dynamics in the Japan Trench Sediments
Luo M, Kölling M, Riedinger N, März C, Torres ME, Bao R, Rasbury T, Bellanova P, Johnson J, Maeda L, Everest J, Ikehara K & Strasser M

(2021) Probing the Sedimentary DOM in the Deepest Sector of Earth’s Surface
Hu T, Luo M, Wünsch UJ, Xu Y, Fang J & Chen D

(2020) Characteristics of the Dissolved Organic Matter in Mariana Trench Sediments
Hu T, Luo M & Chen D

(2020) Elemental and Mineralogical Compositions of Sediments in the Atacama Trench
Luo M, Chen Y, Chen D, Wenzhöfer F & Glud R

(2017) Provenances, Distribution, and Accumulation of Organic Matter in the Southern Mariana Trench Rim and Slope: Implication for Carbon Cycle and Burial in Hadal Trenches
Chen L, Luo M & Chen D

(2017) More Reducing Bottom-Water Redox Conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Southern Challenger Deep (Mariana Trench, Western Pacific) Driven by Enhanced Productivity
Luo M & Chen D

(2017) Composition and Origin of Lipid Biomarkers in the Surface Sediments from the Southern Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench
Guan H, Chen L & Luo M

(2017) Sedimentary Characters of Surface Sediments in the Southern Mariana Trench, Western Pacific
Luo M & Chen D

(2013) Pockmark Activity Inferred from Pore Water Geochemistry in Shallow Sediments of the Pockmark Field in Southwestern Xisha Uplift, Northwestern South China Sea
Luo M & Chen D

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