All abstracts by Jena E. Johnson in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Hydrothermal Braunite Synthesized Under Simulated Diagenesis of Manganese Oxides with Reduced Manganese: Implications for the Ancient Manganese CycleKoshurba K & Johnson JE
(2023) Exploring Banded Iron Formation Diagenesis Through Experimental Simulations
Johnson JE, Nims C & Hinz I
(2023) Dissolved Silica Influences the Bulk Iron Redox State and Transformation Products of Photoferrotrophy
Zhou A & Johnson JE
(2021) Determining Signals of Early Iron-Cycling Life Through Process-Based Experiments
Johnson JE, Hinz I, Templeton A, Nims C & Zhou A
(2015) Evolution of Anoxygenic Phototrophy
Hemp J, Ward L, Shih P, Pace L, Johnson J & Fischer W
(2015) Manganese and the Evolution of Photosynthesis
Fischer W, Johnson J, Hemp J, Johnson H & Webb S
(2015) Interpreting Primary Versus Metamorphic Manganese in Ancient Sedimentary Basins
Johnson J, Webb S, Beukes N & Fischer W
(2014) Microbial Manganese Reduction and its Mineralogical Record
Johnson J, Savalia P, Kocar B, Webb S, Nealson K & Fischer W
(2014) Archean ‘Whiffs of Oxygen’ Tied to Post-Depositional Processes
Fischer W, Slotznick S, Johnson J, Webb S, Rasmussen B, Raub T & Kirschvink J
(2013) Sedimentary and Genomic Insights into the Evolution of Iron Oxidation
Fischer WW, Johnson JE, Hemp J, Pace LA, Planavsky NJ & Webb SM
(2013) Micro-Scale Complexity in Iron-Sulfide Phases in Precambrian Sedimentary Rocks Determined by Coupled Spectroscopic, Isotopic, and Magnetic Techniques
Webb S, Johnson J, Slotznick S, Kirschvink J & Fischer W
(2013) Evolution of Photosynthesis
Hemp J, Pace L, Johnson J & Fischer W
(2013) Manganese-Oxidizing Photosynthesis Before the Rise of Cyanobacteria
Johnson J, Webb S, Thomas K, Ono S, Kirschvink J & Fischer W