All abstracts by Huanting Hu in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) The Isotopic Mass Dependence of Respiratory O2 Consumption Revisited and Implications for Primary Productivity EstimatesYeung L, Ash J, Li B & Hu H
(2015) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Tropospheric O2 during the Mesozoic from Fossil Vertebrate Biominerals
Passey B, Hu H, Lehmann S, Ji H & Levin N
(2014) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Terrestrial Carbonates
Passey B, Hu H, Ji H, Montanari S, Li S, Henkes G & Levin N
(2013) Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Late Cretaceous Dinosaur Eggshells and Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Passey B, Hu H, Montanari S, Li S & Levin N