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All abstracts by Sen Hu in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Impact-Induced Extreme Cl Isotopic Fractionation and Volatile Loss: Insights from Chang'e-5 Glass Beads
Zhang Y, Hui H, Hu S, Hao J, Li R, Yang W, Li Q, Lin Y, Li X-H & Wu F

(2023) Fe Behavior on the Surface of Early Mars: Insights from Weathering Fe-Rich Olivine
Zhao Y, Wang X, Zhou D-S, Yu X-W, Lin H, Hu S, Qi C, Wang H-P, Wang J-H, Lin Y, Li X & Liu J

(2019) Sulfur Isotopes of Pyrite in Meteorite NWA 7533 and Early Oxygenation Event on Martian Atmosphere
Shang S, Hui H, Yang W, Hu S, Hao J, Zhang J, Wei Y, Lin Y, Cui J, Li S, Li Y & Zeng X

(2013) The Platinum-Group Element Abundance Patterns of the Meishan Permian-Triassic Boundary, China
Xu L & Hu S

(2013) Studying Crystal Growth with NanoSIMS: An Example of Zircon
Yang W, Lin Y, Hao J, Zhang J, Hu S & Ni H

(2013) Organic Carbon from the Tissint Martian Meteorite: Hints for Biogenic Origin
Lin Y, El Goresy A, Hu S, Zhang J, Gillet P, Xu Y, Hao J, Miyahara M, Ouyang Z, Ohtani E, Xu L, Yang W, Feng L, Zhao X, Yang J & Ozawa S

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