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All abstracts by Juan Manuel García-Ruiz in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Silica-Induced Mineral Self-Assembly in Natural Geochemical Environments
Getenet M, García-Ruiz JM & Otálora F

(2022) New Ways of Crystallizing Calcium Phosphates
Besirske P, Menichetti A, Montalti M, García-Ruiz JM, Boneberg J & Cölfen H

(2021) Searching for Mineral Self-Organization in Soda Lakes
Getenet M, García-Ruiz JM, Otálora F & Verdugo-Escamilla C

(2018) Precipitation of Self-Organized Fe-Silica Membranes on Early Earth: Friend or Foe?
Kotopoulou E, Lopez-Haro M, Calvino Gamez JJ, van Zuilen M & Garcia-Ruiz JM

(2018) Recognizing Microbial Life Preserved in Rocks: Insights from Population Morphometry
Rouillard J, Havas R, Gérard E, García-Ruiz J-M, Gong J & van Zuilen MA

(2017) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Hyper-Acidic Hydrothermal System of Dallol, Ethiopia
Kotopoulou E, Garcia-Ruiz JM, Delgado Huertas A, Lopez Garcia JM, Dominguez Vera JM & Guerra I

(2017) Environmental Conditions for the Formation of Silica-Witherite Biomorphs and Relevance for Microfossil Identification in Archean Cherts
Rouillard J, Van Zuilen M & Garcia-Ruiz J-M

(2014) In situ Observation of Nucleation Process in a Solution by TEM
Kimura Y, Tsukamoto K & Garcia-Ruiz JM

(2013) Precipitation and Stability Behaviour of Calcium Sulfate: The Role of Salinity, Temperature and Reaction Time
Ossorio M, Van Driessche AES, Pérez P & García-Ruiz JM

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