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All abstracts by Chen Gruber in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Interactions Across Interfaces between Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Paste and Oil Shale
Gruber C, Taylor AD, Brown KG, Delapp R, Brown L, Mitchell C, Pyrak-Nolte L, Matteo EN, Klein-BenDavid O, Bar-Nes G, Meeussen JCL, Ayers J & Kosson DS

(2022) 1-D Reactive Transport Modeling of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Leaching Experiments: Preliminary Results
Jove Colon CF, Lopez CM, Kuhlman KL, Gruber C, Matteo EN, Taylor AD, Brown KG, Delapp R, Brown L & Kosson DS

(2017) What is the Real Depandncy of Albite Dissolution Rate on Deviation from Equilibrium
Gruber C, Zakon Y & Ganor J

(2015) Free Energy Dependence of Albite Dissolution Kinetics
Gruber C, Kutuzov I, Zakon Y & Ganor J

(2015) The Combined Effect of Temperature and pH on Albite Dissolution Rate Under Far-From-Equilibrium Conditions
Ganor J, Kutuzov I & Gruber C

(2014) Coupling between Dissolution and Precipitation during Chemical Weathering of Albite
Gruber C, Zhu C, Kutuzov I, Zakon Y, Georg B & Ganor J

(2013) Resolving the Gap between Laboratory and Field Rates of Weathering
Gruber C, Zhu C, Georg B & Ganor J

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