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All abstracts by Suemeyya Eroglu in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2019) Re-evaluation of Fe Speciation and Mo Isotopes as Paleo-Redox Proxies: Impact of Post-Depositional Alteration
Eroglu S, Scholz F, Salvatteci R, Siebert C, Schneider R & Frank M

(2018) Mo Redox Proxy Reflects Different Depositional Conditions in Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zones
Eroglu S, Scholz F, Siebert C, Salvatteci R, Schneider R & Frank M

(2017) Early Diagenesis of Mo: Oxic Versus Anoxic Sediments in the Gulf of California
Eroglu S, Scholz F, Frank M & Siebert C

(2016) Anoxic Conditions in ~2.48 Ga Old Transvaal Shallow Marine Habitats
Schier K, Viehmann S, Bau M, Eroglu S & Beukes N

(2016) Iron Speciation and Iron Isotopes of Neoarchean Ca-Mg Carbonates
Eroglu S, Swanner E, Pascarelli S, Schoenberg R, Taubald H & Beukes N

(2015) The Isotope-Geochemical Record of a Near-Shore Neoarchean Oxygen Oasis
Eroglu S, Schoenberg R, van Zuilen M, Taubald H, Swanner E & Beukes N

(2013) Archean Mo Isotopic Evolution: Comparing the Pilbara and the Kapvaal Cratons
Wille M, Kurzweil F, Eroglu S, Schoenberg R, Beukes N & Van Kranendonk M

(2013) Molybdenum Isotopic Composition of pre-GOE Tidal Carbonates
Eroglu S, Schoenberg R, Beukes N & Wille M

(2011) Geochronological and Thermochronological Evolution of the Southern Gaoligongshan Metamorphic Belt, Yunnan (China)
Eroglu S, Siebel W, Danisik M, Pfänder J & Chen F

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