All abstracts by Nyssa Crompton in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Stability and Transformation of Amorphous Fe-Oxyhydroxides in the Presence of Environmentally Relevant LigandsCrompton N & Myneni S
(2013) Structures of Weakly Binding Anions at the Interfaces of Fe-Polymers and Fe-Oxides: Evidence from X-Ray and Infrared Spectroscopic Studies
Myneni S & Crompton N
(2012) Chloride: The Unexpected Poison in the Growth of Crystalline Iron Oxides
Crompton N & Myneni S
(2012) Determining Reactive Thiol Concentration in Naturally Occuring Organic Molecules
Shoenfelt E, Joe-Wong C, Crompton N, Jayne E & Myneni S