All abstracts by Christopher Andronicos in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Detrital Zircon and Metatuff Age Constraints for Provenance and Mesoproterozoic Orogenic Evolution of Southwest LaurentiaDaniel C, Doe M, Aronoff R, Andronicos C & Jones J
(2013) Natural Cu-Al-Fe Metallic Quasicrystals in the New CV3 Meteorite Find, Khatyrka
Hollister L, Andronicos C, Bindi L, Distler V, Eddy M, Eiler J, Guan Y, Kostin A, Kryachko V, MacPherson G, Steinhardt W, Yudovskaya M & Steinhardt P
(2011) Hydrothermal Circulation and Post-Obduction Hydration & Carbonation of Oceanic Lithosphere – 87Sr/86Sr and Oxygen Isotopic Study of Oman Ophiolite
Chen C, Andronicos C, Cathles L & White W
(2008) Formation of New Continental Crust in Western British Columbia during Transpression and Transtension
Hollister L & Andronicos C