All abstracts by Patrick Billard in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) A Biophysicochemical Approach for Assessing the Dynamics of Metal Biouptake at Microbial InterfacesRotureau E, Billard P, Pagnout C, Présent RM & Duval JFL
(2016) Contribution of Microbial Compartments (Biofilms, Suspended Matters, Surface Sediments) to Monomethylmercury Formation in Subarctic Thermokarst (Nunavik, Quebec) and Temperate (Lorraine, France) Ponds
Remy P-P, Lanceleur L, Billard P, Schäfer J & Jorand FPA
(2013) Bioreduction of Sb-Substitued Goethite: A Mechanism of Sb Mobility and Bioavailabilty?
Zegeye A, Billard P & Mustin C