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All abstracts by Murat Budakoglu in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2017) Altered Alkaline Pyroclastics Related Lree Enrichment At Derekoy Region, Isparta, SW Turkey
Kocaturk H, Unluer AT, Doner Z, Kirikoglu S, Kumral M & Budakoglu M

(2014) Geochemical Investigations of Egrigoz Granitoid-Hosted Cu-Pb-Zn Mineralization at the Northern Margin of Tauride-Anatolide Platform: A Case Study from Tavsanli Zone, Kutahya, Turkey
Kumral M, Abdelnasser A, Kan Bostanci A, Doner Z, Budakoglu M & Karaman M

(2014) Investigation of Geochemistry and Subsurface Modeling of Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit in Tepeoba-Havran, NW Turkey
Kiran Yildirim D, Akay AK, Bonab T, Abdelnasser A, Kumral M & Budakoglu M

(2014) Distribution of Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Chromites from Some Selected Areas from Denizli and Mugla Provinces, SW Turkey
Doner Z, Kiran Yildirim D, Kan Bostanci A, Kumral M & Budakoglu M

(2013) Production of the Sodium Sulphate from Acıgöl by Solution Mining Method, Denizli, Turkey
Uzasci Sultanyan S, Karabel SB, Kiran Yildirim D, Budakoglu M, Kumral M & Karaman M

(2013) Organic Genesis of the Sulphur Occurences and their Relationship with Black Shales in the Isparta Region, SW, Turkey
Kumral M & Budakoglu M

(2013) Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Investigation of Tefenni-Burdur Chromite Occurences, Turkey
Kan Bostanci A, Kiran Yildirim D, Karaman M, Sert AS & Budakoglu M

(2013) The Platinum Group and Precious Metals Contents of Mugla-Ortaca (Turkey) Area Chromites
Karabel B, Gumus L, Kiran Yildirim D, Uzasci Sultanyan S, Budakoglu M & Kumral M

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