All abstracts by Nicolas Briant in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Non-Traditional Isotopes (Cu, Zn, and Hg) Applied in Bivalve Mollusks for Marine Pollution Biomonitoring: A “Mussel Watch” Programs UpgradeAraújo DF, Ponzevera E, Knoery J, Briant N & Brach-Papa C
(2019) Copper, Zinc and Lead Isotopes in Mollusks to Trace Metallic Marine Coastal Contaminations
Ponzevera E, Araujo D, Brach-Papa C, Briant N, Chouvelon T, Sireau T, Bruzac S, Rozuel E & Knoery J
(2017) Multi-Isotope (Hg, C & N) Approach to Assess Mercury Origin along the French Coast
Briant N, Sonke J, Chouvelon T, Brach-Papa C, Chiffoleau J-F, Savoye N & Knoery J
(2013) Modifications of Cu Isotopic Ratios in Coastal Sediments in Relation to the Increased Use of Copper Based Antifouling Paints
Briant N, Freydier R, Elbaz-Poulichet F, Bancon-Montigny C & Delpoux S