All abstracts by Andre Baldermann in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Potassium Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Reverse Weathering in the Cretaceous OceanZheng X-Y, Baldermann A, Löhr S, Farkaš J, Zack T & Abbott AN
(2023) Silicon Isotope Fractionation during the Formation of Amorphous Hydroxyaluminosilicates and Hydrous Ferric Silicate Phases
Stamm FM, Baldermann A, Frick DA, Eichinger S, Hippler D, von Blanckenburg F & Dietzel M
(2023) Mineralogical, Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of Recent Glauconite in Two Contrasting Marine Settings
Löhr S, Zheng X, Lv Y, Weissgerber J, Baldermann A, Farkas J & Abbott AN
(2023) Significance of Glauconite Formation for Elemental Sequestration in Marine Settings
Baldermann A, Löhr S & Farkas J
(2023) Self-Organization of Brucite [Mg(OH)2] Crystal Morphology and Orientation during Periclase [MgO] Hydration
Wedenig M, Baldermann A, Eder S & Dietzel M
(2022) Assessment of Mica-Mg and GL-O Nano-Powders as Reference Materials for in situ Rb-Sr Dating by LA-ICP-MS/MS
Redaa A, Farkas J, Gilbert S, Collins AS, Löhr S, Vasegh D, Forster M, Blades ML, Baldermann A, Dietzel M & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2022) Clay Mineral and Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Restricted, Evaporitic Conditions during the Deposition of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation
Han S, Löhr S, Abbott A, Baldermann A, Voigt M, Cui H, Chen B, Farkas J, Shields GA & Kaufman AJ
(2021) Authigenic Clay Mineral Evidence for Restricted, Evaporitic Conditions during the Emergence of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Biota
Han S, Löhr S, Abbott A, Baldermann A & Yu B
(2021) In situ Rb-Sr Dating of Glauconite in Partially Altered Cambrian Sedimentary Sequences
Rafiei M, Löhr S, Alard O, Farkas J, Baldermann A & Brock G
(2021) Experimental Characterisation of Basalt Carbonation by Seawater-Dissolved CO2 at 130℃
Voigt M, Marieni C, Baldermann A, Galeczka IM, Wolff-Boenisch D, Oelkers EH & Gislason SR
(2018) Strontium and Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Hydrothermal Seawater-Basalt Interaction
Voigt M, Pearce CR, Fries DM, Baldermann A & Oelkers EH
(2017) Iron Sequestration during Green-Clay Authigenesis – A Limiting Factor for the Benthic Fluxes of Iron?
Baldermann A, Mavromatis V & Dietzel M
(2017) New Insights to the Formation of Dolomite and Magnesite Through Hydrothermal Alteration of Ca-Carbonates: An Experimental Approach
Kell-Duivestein I, Baldermann A, Dietzel M & Mavromatis V
(2016) In situ Monitoring of CaCO3 Transformation Processes between 6 and 25℃
Purgstaller B, Mavromatis V, Konrad F, Baldermann A & Dietzel M
(2015) New Insights from Precipitation Experiments of Aragonite-Strontianite Solid Solutions at Ambient Temperature
Konrad F, Mavromatis V, Baldermann A & Dietzel M
(2015) Why are Sedimentary Dolomites Disordered and Metastable?
Baldermann A, Deditius AP, Dietzel M, Fichtner V, Fischer C, Hippler D, Leis A, Nickel C, Mavromatis V & Strauss H
(2015) A New Look at the Thermodynamic Control of the Isotope Composition of Mg and Zn in Calcite
Mavromatis V, Gonzalez AG, Fujii T, Baldermann A, Dietzel M & Schott J
(2015) Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Ikaite (CaCO3.6H2O) Crystallization in a Man-Made River Section
Boch R, Dietzel M, Reichl P, Leis A, Pölt P & Baldermann A
(2013) Alteration at Bentonite-Cement Interfaces – An Experimental Approach
Nickel C, Baldermann A, Dietzel M, Grathoff G & Warr LN
(2013) Cyclic Dolomitization of Limestone at Oker (Germany)
Baldermann A, Deditius AP, Stickler CP, Leis A & Dietzel M