All abstracts by Santanu Kumar Bhowmik in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Evidence for Extremely Rapid (sub-Myr Timescales) UHT Metamorphic Sole Formation during Spontaneous Subduction Initiation in Nagaland – Manipur Ophiolite Belt, Indo-Myanmar RangesBhowmik SK, Pradhan B, Lukose L, Sorcar N & Chakraborty S
(2023) Architecture of a Fossil Slab-Mantle Wedge Interface of a Nascent, Ultra-Hot Subduction Zone within the Eastern Arm of the Neo-Tethys: New Insights from Metamorphic Sole Rocks in the Nagaland-Manipur Ophiolite Belt, NE India
Pradhan B, Bhowmik SK, Lukose L & Sorcar N
(2019) Decoding Early Earth Tectonics from Mesoarchaean Metamorphic P-T Path of Evolution: New Evidence from Sargur Supracrustals in the Western Dharwar Craton, South India
Dasgupta A, Bhowmik SK, Dasgupta S, Ireland T & Avila J
(2019) Metamorphic Evolution of Nagaland Oceanic Eclogites: New Insights into Neo-Tethyan Subduction Tectonics
Rajkakati M, Bhowmik SK & Ao A
(2019) Metamorphic Framework of the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex
Bhowmik SK, Rajkakati M & Ao A
(2013) Constraining the Thermal History of an Ultra-Hot Orogen from Metamorphic Reaction History and Garnet-Orthopyroxene Diffusion Modelling Studies
Bhowmik SK & Chakraborty S