All abstracts by Tsegaye Abebe in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Sustained Role of a Mantle Plume in Ethiopia and AfarHouse B, Hammond J, Keir D, Gallacher R, Hilton D, Scarsi P, Abebe T, Halldorsson S & Castillo P
(2013) Deep Carbonate Recycling and Metasomatic Enrichment of the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle Inferred from Mantle Xenoliths of the East African Rift System
Halldorsson S, Hilton D, Scarsi P, Abebe T, Hopp J & Chakraborty S
(2013) Acid Water Problem: Mining Districts from Tuscany (Central Italy)
Nisi B, Raco B, Vaselli O, Abebe T, Battaglini R, Masetti G, Tassi F, Lelli M & Doveri M