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All abstracts by Lena Alakangas in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Uranium Sources and Mobility Related to Mining Areas
Dzimbanhete VL, Hegg F, Alakangas L, Karlsson T, Peinerud E, Aiglsperger T & Paulsson O

(2020) Isotopic (18O, 2H and 87Sr/86Sr) Mixing and Related Geochemical Controls on Dissolved Ions of Surface Waters Downstream of Historical Cu-F-W Skarn Tailings
Salifu M, Hällström L, Aiglsperger T & Alakangas L

(2020) Be and W in Neutral Mine Drainage and the Impact on Silican Algaes
Hällström L & Alakangas L

(2019) Mining Waste as a Secondary Resource
Alakangas L & Hällström L

(2019) The Occurrence of As, Hg, Sb and Tl in Pyritic Waste Rock and the Ability to Prevent their Release
Nyström E & Alakangas L

(2019) Forensic Tracing of Historical Environmental Conditions and Danalite Weathering in Mineralogically-Complex Mine Wastes: δ34S, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr Isotopes Approach
Salifu M, Aigslperger T & Alakangas L

(2017) Tungsten (W) Mobility in Historical Sulfidic-Oxidic Tailings
Hällström L, Alakangas L & Martinsson O

(2013) Trace Element Distribution in an Extremely Basic Environment in Mine Tailings
Alakangas L & Lu J

(2013) Isotopic Fractionation of Cu in Biofilms from a Historic Mining Site
Pérez Rodríguez N, Adlassnig W, Rodushkin I, Alakangas L & Öhlander B

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