All abstracts by Greg A. Valentine in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Magmatic Sources and Processes in Southwest Utah Across the Basin and Range/Colorado Plateau Transition ZoneSu Z, Widom E, Kuentz D, Murta MC & Valentine GA
(2013) Mantle Source Characteristics and Petrogenesis in the Lunar Crater Volcanic Field
Rasoazanamparany C, Widom E, Cortes J, Smith E, Valentine G, Kuentz D & Johnsen R
(2012) The Petrogenesis of Monogenetic Volcanoes Inferred from Lunar Crater Volcanic Field, Central Nevada
Rasoazanamparany C, Widom E, Valentine GA, Smith EI, Cortes JA, Kuentz D & Johnsen R