All abstracts by Tetsuichi Takagi in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) Geochemical Characteristics of Apatite in Heavy-Ree-Rich Deep-Sea Mud from Minami-Torishima Area, Southeastern JapanKon Y, Hoshino M, Sanematsu K, Morita S, Tsunematsu M, Ejima T, Okamoto N, Yano N, Tanaka M & Takagi T
(2016) Distribution and Concentration Process of Rare Earth Elements in Apatite of the Heavy REE-Rich Deep-Sea Mud from the Minami-Torishima Area, Southeastern Japan
Ejima T, Yoshiaki K, Hoshino M, Sanematsu K, Araoka D, Kawano S, Okamoto N, Yano O, Tanaka M & Takagi T
(2013) The Origin of Lithium in Playas in Nevada, USA: Constraints by Lithium Isotope Ratio
Araoka D, Kawahata H, Takagi T, Watanabe Y, Nishimura K & Nishio Y
(2012) Lithium Isotope Ratio of Samples Collected from Salt Lakes at Nevada, USA: Implication for Lithium Origin in Salt Lakes
Araoka D, Nishio Y, Takagi T, Watanabe Y & Kawahata H