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All abstracts by Natalie Szponar in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Identifying Sources of Mercury in Peruvian Amazon Aquatic Systems Using Mercury Stable Isotopes
Nason K, Szponar N, Vega CM, Gerson J, Moreno Brush M, Fernandez LE & Bergquist BA

(2024) Investigation of Atmosphere – Vegetation Mercury Isotopic Offsets in a Remote Canadian Forest Ecosystem
Rahman N, Szponar N, Nason K, Yiu F, Slater GF & Bergquist BA

(2023) Assessing the Deposition of Atmospheric Mercury in Hawaiian Soils from the Big Island Using Hg Stable Isotopes
Cheng K, Zheng W, Zimmermann L, Derry LA, Slater G, Szponar N & Bergquist BA

(2023) Tracing Uptake of Gaseous Elemental Hg Released from Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining into Trees and Soils of the Peruvian Amazon Using Mercury Stable Isotopes
Bergquist BA, Szponar N, Krystal N, McLagan D, Gerson JR, Fernandez L, Vega C, Bernhardt E, Mitchell C & Wania F

(2022) The Geochemistry and Microbial Community at a Site of Active Serpentinization: The Tablelands, NL, CAN
Cook MC, Szponar N, Winter J, Coxon IN & Morrill PL

(2020) Tracing Atmospheric Mercury in the Peruvian Amazon Using Hg Isotopes
Szponar N, Vega C, Mclagan D, Gerson J, Bernhardt E, Mitchell C, Wania F, Fernandez L & Bergquist B

(2020) Identifying Sources of Mercury in Peruvian Amazon Aquatic Systems Using Hg Stable Isotopes
Nason K, Szponar N, Vega C, Gerson J, Berhardt E, Fernandez L & Bergquist B

(2012) Sourcing Hydrocarbons at Two Continental Sites of Present-Day Serpentinization: The Tablelands, NL, CAN and The Cedars, CA, USA
Morrill P, Rietze A, Szponar N, Kuenen JG, Suzuki-Ishii S & Nealson K

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